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We have received enquiries about what exactly is involved in one of our "Groundwork Days" and what we require from the people who volunteer to help us.

Usually we meet on Sunday mornings and dates are posted on our thread on the Lancashire board. We can be contacted either via or through our contact page here.  We generally arrive at the cemetery at around 10 a.m./10.30 a.m. We work in pairs and are allocated a section to work on.   We try to keep the same people working on the same section at each "meet" as regular volunteers become familiar with their particular areas.


The upright headstones are brushed to wipe away dirt and dust and debris is cleared way from the flat tombstones.  The grave is mapped and photographed.  If the inscription isn't very clear, we use a water spray or chalk and if it still doesn't photograph clearly, it is written out. Uncovering the Flat Gravestones are a lot more labour intensive! and as the project draws nearer to completing the uncovering  are now a lot of the deeper gravestones to uncover and take a lot more time, but don't let this put you off, we still have a good natter whilst doing it!! We have received permission from Manchester City Council Bereavement Services to photograph the stones, the photographs being used purely for transcription purposes.  This has made the process of recording much quicker.


It can be a dirty job especially if it has been raining the day before so good sturdy boots or wellies are essential.  Many of the flat stones are covered with mud and leaves and we now have a good collection of suitable tools: spades, rakes, hoes etc., for our volunteers to use.


It is advisable to bring a drink and a snack or some sandwiches too although there is a convenience store close by for emergency supplies!

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IMPORTANT!!! - everyone is welcome and everyone gives their time according to their personal or family commitments, however, we do ask that you contact us if you are intending to come along in case there is a last minute cancellation (usually due to the weather) as we would hate anyone to have a wasted journey.   Our thread is on the Lancashire page at and its at the top of the page so its easy to find.  This is the place to find the latest information. We can always be contacted either by posting on the thread or by the personal message system.


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