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Formation of
the Institution

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MGC Letterhead_edited_edited.jpg

The Manchester Guardian 26th October 1833 printed the plan for establishing the new cemetery that the Committee announced


  1. That eligible Grounds shall be purchased, to be called “The Manchester General Cemetery;” the management of which shall be entrusted to a certain number of individuals, as President, Vice-President, Trustees, &c.; together with a Committee, to be elected from the Shareholders.  That a Capital of £200,000 be raised by subscription, in 20,000 shares, of £10, each.

   2. That five shares shall entitle the holder to one vote for the Trustees, Auditors, Committee and Officers; ten shares to two votes;             fifteen shares to three votes; twenty shares to four votes, which shall be the highest number of votes that any Proprietor can                 possess; and no person shall subscribe for more than 250 shares.

   3. That each Subscriber shall, at the time of the subscription, pay 10s. Per share into the hands of the Treasurer, as a deposit, for             the purposes of the Institution – and each share towards defraying the expense and charge incident to its formation.

   4. That each Subscriber shall, on or before the 31st December next, pay the sum of £2. Per share on the shares held by him; and             £2. 10s. Further  per share on the 25th March following. If any further calls be requisite, they shall be made as the Committee           may appoint; but it is confidently anticipated that the fund arising from the disposal of the ground will be sufficient for future             purposes.

   5.  That the first application of the subscription fund be for the purchasing, draining, planting and inclosing the ground and the                erection of a Chapel;the undertaking being thus far advanced, the ground will be ready to be disposed of for vaults, graves, & c.,            at the prices to be settled by the Committee.  Any further designs to be carried into effect only as they may be required by the                public.

   6.  That the principal fund subscribed, with the annual income derivable therefrom, be next applicable in paying such a rate of                  interest to the Shareholders upon the sums advanced, as the Proprietors at their first general meeting shall fix upon, subject to              such increase or alteration as the proprietors shall declare at their subsequent annual general meetings; making at the same time          provision for the future enlargement of the Cemetery, and for the widows and orphans of the Clergy who have been connected              with the establishment.

   7.  The Accounts of the Institution shall be annually printed and laid before the Proprietors. Applications for shares may be made to         Messrs. Kay, Barlow and Aston, Solicitors, No.17, Brown Street, Manchester.

       Newspapers are searchable and to view at                                           & 


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