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Transcribing the
Monumental Inscriptions
of the Manchester General Cemetery
before they are lost forever

News 1

We have transcribed all upright and visible gravestones and uncovered and recorded about 99.9% of buried gravestone within the now cemetery grounds. We are still working on the other minimal % to be uncovered and recorded and hope to complete 2024.

News 2

The Manchester General Cemetery Transcription Project has changed host, In September 2019 our last count of visitors to the old websites totalled

168,256 Having taken a break for 12 months we are back and have made a few improvements on the site especially the size of the reading text.

News 3

On a recent visit to the cemetery it was noted that new fencing has been erected at the back of the cemetery where the public Consecrated graves are, as this area is covered in Japanese Knotweed we think it is now unlikely to be treated to destroy it.

News 4

On a visit to the Cemetery after an extended break due to Covid.  Manchester City Council Bereavement Services erected in ALL their Cemeteries, Memorial Stones and planted a Tree to those who lost their lives in the Covid19 Pandemic.  (not all Cemeteries have interments for Covid19)

Latest News 

Robert Rose Poet Jeanne.JPG
Old Tree

The project was contacted by a BBC producer in regards to the poet 'Robert Rose' who is buried in the Manchester General Cemetery, our very own member 'Jeanne' met with them at the Cemetery where she uncovered his buried gravestone for them to view and her fabulous knowledge and research helping them in producing their programme on Robert Rose 'The Bard of Colour' in which Jeanne spoke on.  Thank you Jeanne!

Sadly one the oldest trees in the Cemetery was blown over on a very windy night.

As it fell to the ground it landed on one of the few Non Con Public gravestones and broke it. Luckily it is one we have recorded & transcribed.

It is expected that the Council will dispose of the pieces of gravestone thereby another one lost, which makes our Project all the more important.

Sadly our lovely Holly Tree has received a severe pruning that only a stump is left.


The Manchester General Cemetery Transcription Project is being undertaken by a team of volunteers whose intention is to transcribe as many of the headstones within Manchester General Cemetery as possible before they are lost forever due to them falling through age and decay or by them being toppled in accordance with Health and Safety Regulations.  We believe that the headstones are more than just memorials in a cemetery but they actually contain a wealth of historical data. The project is carried out in our own free time and is totally non-commercial. 

Please take a look at our website via our tabs at the top of the page, for pages, we hope that are of interest to you, hopefully they explain and answer many of the questions that you may have in regards to the Cemetery and Project.

We are already offering a FREE-OF-CHARGE LOOKUP SERVICE via our CONTACT PAGE.  Some of the information (not the full transcription) may be included on the Manchester City Council's Burial Records website so family historians will be able to perform basic online searches.  


We are grateful to receive any information - photo's, documents or cards to help us with the website & project

if you would like to send us details please contact us via our contact page 

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With Grateful Thanks for their kind permission

 to use images from their websites;


Manchester Libraries

Britain From Above

Britain From Above Website

and to everyone who has given their consent for us to use and display their information and photographs on our website

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We have made every effect to

ensure that the information contained within the

Manchester General Cemetery

Project Website

is accurate and correct, however we cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.  Should you see anything which you believe to be incorrect or inaccurate, we would be pleased if you would let us know.


We do have copyright, this is because we are a non funded voluntary project and have worked excessively hard in all weathers at all times of the year to uncover these gravestones and information. If you wish to use any of our information/photos, from our website, please contact us. We do mostly allow information/photos of ours to be published as long as a common courtesy the project is credited and copyright is shown.

Visitors to MGCTP


We have tried our best to give credit for articles and photographs, where applicable,

but if anyone has any issues please get intouch and we will take a look and remove where necessary. 


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